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Mipa's pots and plants

Stephania erecta

Stephania erecta

Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
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- When you buy Stephania erecta with planter, I’ll give $5 discount!

- 2- 3” Stephania erecta will fit well in mini caudex planter

- 3” - 5” will fit well in regular caudex planter


< Stephania erecta Care>

- Plant caudex 20% to 30% into very well draining potting media

- Succulent mix, cacti soil or pumice is recommended.

- indirect sunlight (filtered light)

- Water when fully dry

- Use humidity dome until it sprouts ( humidity dome will create humid and warm environment )

- Plant will go dormant in the colder months, let its stems die back naturally and then reduce watering to 1x a month.•

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